„Believe in your flyness. Conquer your shyness.“ Kanye West How to get your the best images of yourself I would never ever have dreamed of one day quoting Kanye West. But yes. Here it is. A blog post simple about you, yourself and how to get your best self into images. But before I […]
Social Media Experiences. Tales about Re-Designing pt. 2
„Dreaming after all, is a form of planning.“ Gloria Steinhem Tales from the re-designing sphere So in my post from last week I talked about how I started to get the right content, topics and hashtags #hashtag. This week I am going to talk more about my experiences with automation and about the areas I […]
Social Media Experience. Growing by Going.
„Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it’s realistic or not.“ Deepak Chopra Recap and thoughts on optimizing my Instagram feed That is what this post is about to be. My first two weeks are over and I am looking back on what I did to get my Instagram feed for by […]
Personal Branding Project. Re-Designing your own Instagram Feed.
„Unfold your own myth.“ Rumi Re-designing, re-thinking, re-starting my Instagram channel. These are the three things this blog post is going to be about. The Rumi quote may be probably totally out of context but for this post, it fits: Every presentation of yourself gives you the chance to create your own story and thereby […]
Personal Branding. How to find connections points.
„Be unapologetically you.“ Steve Mariboli Personal Branding can sometimes be a tough cookie. Look at my Instagram feed and you will see: A lot of pictures of Personal Branding sessions, but not so much personality. So, who am I to write a blog post about Personal Branding and Connection Points? Well, quite frankly, the […]
Personal Branding. What to show.
„Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.“ Howard Thurman Lately, I came across a very good TEDtalk from Simon Sinek that you can find here. He was talking about how important it is […]
Personal Branding Photography. Storytelling.
„Welche Geschichte möchtest du erzählen?“ Reichen wunderschöne Bilder aus, um die eigene Markenwirkung zu steigern oder muss die Personal Branding Photography mehr liefern als nur eine Menge professioneller Fotografien? Damit beschäftigt sich der Blogartikel heute, in dem es vor allem darum geht, zu zeigen, warum nicht nur Konsistenz im Bildlook, sondern auch die Einordnung der […]
Personal Branding Photography. Planung und Konzepte.
„Die Kunst, Pläne zu machen, besteht darin, den Schwierigkeiten ihrer Ausführung zuvorzukommen.“ Luc de Clapiers, Marquis de Vauvenargues (1715 – 1747) Genau mit diesem Gedanken im Hinterkopf empfiehlt es sich eine Personal Branding Photography Session anzugehen. Auch wenn das Wort „Personal“ etwas dazu verleitet, an die klassische Portrait-Fotograife zu denken: Bei der Personal Branding Photography […]
Personal Branding Photography. Zwischen Selbst und Marke.
„Jeder der ein Online-Profil hat, ist seine eigene Marke.“ Diesen ziemlich markanten Satz habe ich auf der Webseite einer Fotografin gefunden, nachdem mir das erste Mal der Begriff „Personal Branding Photography“ begegnet ist. Erstmal bin ich über den Begriff ziemlich gestolpert und habe statt „Personal Branding Photography“ „Personal Brand Photography“ gelesen. Aber nein. Tatsächlich heißt […]