„Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‚I‘m possible‘.“ Audrey Hepburn May the expectations will always be in your favor. Four years ago. At Berlin‘s central station I was meeting up with a friend. It was a time of change for us both. She had finally found a job after years of chaos. I was […]
The Journey Journals. Why you need a super-group.
„The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it.“ Chinese Proverb How to choose your supporters. Blunt and simple. This is what this blog post is going to be about. It’s about choosing and seeking out the right people to cheer you up, support you and get […]
The Journey Journal. These nagging fears.
“If you try to get rid of fear and anger without knowing their meaning, they will grow stronger and return.“ – Deepak Chopra This ruling fear. Usually, I start with only one quote that the blog posts are circling back to. But due to the topic today – fear – I found two quotes that […]
The Journey Journal. Starting from Zero.
„Every journey starts with the first step.“ Every motivational blog ever. Starting from Zero. My personal journey towards a fulfilling career. Lately, I discovered that when you hit 30 and move to a free-spirit city like Berlin you meet a lot of like-minded people. People that are trying to create their own career path and […]